Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wealth or Consequences

Redistribute This.
The obama 2012 reelection machine was in overdrive this morning. NBC's TODAY Show host, Matt Lauer, kicked things off during his interview with Republican frontrunner, Mitt Romney. After discussing the results and numbers coming out of the New Hampshire primary, Lauer asked Mitt to clarify a statement made by Romney in which he used the word "envy" to describe obama's divisive policies. Lauer asked Romney if "…anyone who questions the distribution of wealth in this country is envious…"

Mitt responded to the question citing obama's use of class warfare and his embrace of the Occupy Wall Street’s 99% mentality, pointing out that such a position essentially opposes the American ideal.

Dissatisfied with the answer of work-hard-and-get-rich, Lauer stayed on point, following up with, "Are there no fair questions about the distribution of wealth…?".

Now, in and of themselves, the questions which smack Communist/Socialist philosophy are bad enough, but it doesn't end there.

Kerry On.
Turning to the "news," Lauer throws it to Kerry Sanders in Tampa, Florida, where he is covering the murder of a wealthy couple living in a very upscale neighborhood. After a brief introduction to the story, just before running his prerecorded portion of the report, Kerry let's us all in on the motive….GREED. Not robbery, not theft, not any of the typical vernacular associated when someone shoots someone else and takes their stuff. No, this was GREED.

Why all of the drama and not just call it robbery? Ah, because that might not connect the dots clearly enough when about three minutes into his report, Kerry points out that the victims live in a neighborhood privy only to the "One Percent."

Lovin' the Spin You're In
So, this morning's bottom line from NBC, just in case you missed it is: Redistribute the wealth, or face the consequences. It was greed, not envy that drove that poor 99%er to off the doctor and his wife in an effort to do a little self-service redistribution.


  1. I think that quote of Distributing the Wealth is such a catch all for this administration.....Keeping American in a "Entitlement" state is Obama's goal...This is so sad but he feels this will keep in office for four more years that we can not afford... We must get him OUT!
