Friday, January 13, 2012

Breaking the 11th Commandment

Glass Houses
Much to the delight, no doubt, of the obama reelection machine, the Republican field is redistributing its wealth. With every attack line, sound byte, image and video clip belittling Mitt Romney and Bain Capital, David Axelrod and company must feel like they've been handed a fortune in Republican hide for doing nothing more than letting the MSM manipulate and bully.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with contrasting differences between yourself and your opponent—it's an absolute necessity during a campaign. In recent days, however, superPAC and candidate-endorsed attack ads have become downright vitriolic. We all heard Newt Gingrich seemingly whine about the Romney superPAC ads heading into New Hampshire, and now Newt, as well as Rick Perry are airing ads attacking Romney as a "vulture capitalist" and "untrustworthy."

One of the more popular images to help portray Romney as a corporate raider is from his days at Bain Capital. The image, according to the Boston Globe, as reported by The, states, "After posing for a company-brochure photo, Romney and his Bain associates snapped [the photo] again with $10 and $20 bills. Romney led Bain Capital to grow from a staff of seven managing $37 million to a staff of 115 managing $4 billion." 

A Picture Speaks
Now, the image is an obvious tongue-in-cheek moment of a successful group of professionals capturing a light-hearted moment at a peak of performance…who hasn't seen the stereotype image of someone rolling in a pile of cash after hitting a jackpot? Venture capital is big bucks. Big rewards follow big risk. So here's a celebratory moment illustrating the business savviness of the group.

Were this an image of Romney while serving as Governor of Massachusetts, or any of the career politicians in the race, I'd have a problem with it, because in that circumstance, it'd be taxpayer (yours and mine) dollars in their mouths, hands, etc. So lambasting a businessman for money seemingly falling out of his ass is a stupid argument. Period.

Glass Houses Part Duex
Our favorite obamaites were back on their MSM stump this morning, this time highlighting the Homes of the Rich and Infamous. The TODAY Show news reader turned anchor, Ann Curry introduces a segment she calls, "an unusual look at the GOP presidential field," asking the question, "What can you tell about them from their current homes?" Curry then introduces NBC Contributor, Barbara Corcoran, who has compiled her report, based on idea from New York Times Magazine…so you just know it's gonna' be good.

Before even delving into the segment, Barbara spoils the ending by giving Curry the answer which she seeks…"You can learn that they're all very, very rich" says Corcoran.

In brief, the segment highlights Mitt Romney's $10 million, lakeside home, though Curry points out it's only one of six homes…and Corcoran points out that the $10 million price tag is "…just for this one home."

On to Ron Paul's relatively modest 4/5 ranch in Texas, which he is offering for sale at $325k, for which Barbara offers the analysis that its statement on Ron Paul is, "Hey, I'm just a regular guy." She then goes on to point out that he mustn't be a very good delegator, since he has time to sell it himself and gives him some tips on curb appeal to boot.

And make no mistake, Jon Huntsman's home, a beautiful brownstone, is a mansion…again, Corcoran was emphatic on that point. Then, as if it has anything to do with anything, she goes off on a tangent about his parent's opulent home in Utah.

Newt? Well, high praise for his real estate savviness, as Newt bought his home for under $1 million in 1995 in an area of Virginia that touts itself as the land of high influence, surrounded by power brokers.

Rick Santorum lives in, as Barbara puts it, "the most affluent town in America, bar none." And she's quick to point out, in a house that says, "I am rich."

And poor displaced Rick Perry, having to endure temporary digs while the Texas governor's mansion undergoes renovation…his flat? Only a $10k/month, three-acre estate that is so exclusive, even Barbara couldn't get a photo, though she showed one nonetheless.

Lovin' the Spin You're In
Okay, so NBC, we get it….every soul in the Republican field is Rich, with a capital "R." Now, aside from Mitt Romney and Dr. Ron Paul who both worked for a living outside of the government, what does that tell us about the remaining field?

Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich and even the almighty b. hussein obama, all got capital "R" Rich as public servants! None of them have worked a day as a professional in any career—not a day—in their adult lives to earn a dollar. Every penny in their coffers has come from your pocket, or mine….assuming you're one of the 53% of Americans that actually pays taxes.


  1. First of all, for once, I can't blame MSM for these attacks it's squarely on the Republicans, and SHAME ON EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM.

    Newt = I have lost ALL respect for him - he is playing the class card, he is unabashedly playing the "Good `ol boy" vs. "Yankee" card in South Carolina, and he's somehow making a someone's stance on abortion has something to do with their ability to be the leader of the free world.

    Bottom line = they are risking 4 more years of Obama.

    Why aren't MORE people making the point that truly only Paul (sorry, he's a little crazy...) and Romney EARNED their own money while the rest of the field are Public "Servants" = serving themselves to our tax dollars!!!

    NBC would NEVER do a real estate segment like that for Democrats...

  2. You make good points. One of the reasons Romney has surged is due to the fact that many hardcore right wingers are more concerned about the economy than social issues. The fact that Newt and the two Ricks are hanging in continues to split the hard right vote. Unless one of the three (I don't think Paul is a factor here) drops out, there cannot be a single "true conservative" to battle Romney, and considering the three egos of which we speak, they'll all hang on as long as they can. That will only further the divide, and that's where the danger of losing the election comes into play.
