Still Redneck After All These Years.
Congratulations to South Carolina for proving that despite electing TEA Party favorites, such as the likes of Tim Scott and Nikki Haley, the good ol' boy voting block is as dense as ever. And I don’t mean dense in a nice way. Last week, after losing to Mitt Romney in New Hampshire, Newt Gingrich boasted about his Georgian roots and ability to connect with voters in SC. Well, connect he did, claiming 40+% of the vote. Perhaps the only other tactic that could have garnered more favor would have been adding a Confederate flag to his logo. Yeehaw!
In recent years, SC's TEA Party has broken through both gender and race barriers, ousting politicians that were stereotypical thugs whose personas were likely used to model authority figures in Burt Reynolds films…if you're old enough, you might remember Buford T. Justice, or the warden from the original Longest Yard. Yup, the self-serving, corrupt, power-abusing, fox-in-charge-of-the-hen-house white guys. Oh, well, SC, so long as you ain't votin' for no moderate Yankee, you kin be proud when yer 'ol boy scares off that thar independent-thinkin' group in the general election.
OMG, and did he really say that?!?! Gingrich, on Meet The Press yesterday, positioned himself as the Washington outsider and Mitt Romney as the "establishment candidate." Really? That's like barrack hussein obama positioning himself as life-long, self-made, businessman success story. We all want to see obama handed his ass in a Newt-style debate smackdown, but every vote for Newt is a shortsighted expression of anger. Just sayin', who is more likely to fix the economy once in office, a politician that barks harsh words at the house and senate, or a Dale Carnegie-style approach of winning friends and influencing people?
Still Batshit Crazy After All These Years
What could Ron Paul possibly be thinking? He has no chance of doing anything more than securing his rabid 20% anywhere he goes. So, why spend millions on an ultimately go-nowhere campaign?
Here's a thought…Rand Paul. Could dad be gearing up to be a spoiler? Now, if Newt gets the nomination, most Republicans will fall in line to support him, but the centrists, moderates and Independents will likely not vote, or go back to obama. Should that be the case, then Paul need not do anything further to help his kid. So, if Newt wins in Florida, my bet is that Paul will drop out, because obama is in for four more and Rand makes his run in 2016 to a decimated country...assuming we still have the right to vote.
If, however, FL goes to Romney, Ron Paul runs as an Independent, splitting the vote, a lå Ross Perot, obama wins and Rand is again set to run in 2016. In this scenario, though, Paul is counting on America's short memory, and that he won't tarnish his family name. But considering how quickly people in this country reverted to a 9/10/01 mentality, it's not a huge gamble.
Still Mitt After All These Debates (Better Not Be)
If Romney wants to stand any chance moving forward, he has to get aggressive. Big time. First, he has to release a decade or more of his tax returns and get ready for the heat he'll take for being rich. Second, this goofy country has to wake up and realize that being rich is a GOOD thing! We should celebrate success, not apologize for it, but here comes the politically correct 99%er police to stomp on any notion that one person should have any more then someone else.
C'mon, Mitt, grow a pair, and take a lesson from the Reagan playbook…communicate. Gingrich has an outstanding staff of writers, and crafts sound bytes that bring moments of astounding clarity. For example, equating 99 weeks of unemployment benefit handouts to earning an associates degree. And while you're at it, Mitt, find a way to give a simple tax lesson that explains the difference between 15% capital gains and 35% federal income tax. Simple being the operative word—I used to live in FL, trust me on that tidbit of advice.
Still Milquetoast After All His Life
Rick Santorum simply isn't a factor, but Newt will enjoy a speedbump of a swell when he receives Santorum's endorsement. Yawn.
Lovin' the Spin you're In
If you think Romney's tax issues are a moot point, because he's promised to release 2010 and an estimate of 2011 tomorrow, just tune into the liberal media bias flagship of morning programs, the TODAY Show. Chuck Todd already pointed out that it appears Romney has something to hide. Considering Chuck can't keep his eyes open during his reports, if he can see it, odds are other left-wingers can, too. The fat lady isn’t singing about this one yet.
Ann Coulter agrees!