Thursday, February 2, 2012

Got A Question for Ya…

Hear No Evil
As the Republican candidates for president continue to supply liberal media outlets with fodder and the obama reelection machine with talking points and sound bytes, the world outside is growing increasingly dangerous. No doubt, obama and his minions are thanking their lucky stars for the windfall that is the Republican race for the nomination.

The good news for obama's team is that with all of the shenanigans of the right, coupled with the help of the softball the MSM plays with the obama admin, the US is again about to go to war in the middle east, and you'd never know it. In fact, there a lot you'd never know by watching the mainstream media (MSM)…

Speak No Evil
As CBS and ABC completely ignore a significant gaffe by b. hussein obama, referring to an unemployed, high-tech engineer's dilemma as "interesting," a new assault on Mitt Romney is unleashed. In a post-Florida primary speech, Romney stated, "I'm not worried about the very poor." Without proper context, a very damning statement. Of course, little context is offered in reports from the MSM.

What is offered is an extended dialog about Romney's wealth and his inability to relate to the common man, or in the case of Newt Gingrich, Romney's desire to separate America into distinct classes. Newt, of course wanting to be president to "all Americans." …especially, Donal Trump, who NBC mistakenly reported would endorse Newt later today in Sin City, Las Vegas, NV. Oops. Any apologies for that minor error? Don't hold your breath.

While liberals chomp at the bit to see what new item can be spun and conservatives reel over yet one more thing to protract the nominating contest yet again, the folks in Israel and those with a vested interest there are not as amused. As war with Iran draws closer by the day, little is heard from Washington on the matter. The obama machine is happy for the smoke screen that is the political circus, courtesy of the Republican foot-in-mouth fest. 

See No Evil
Though now backpedaling, this morning's news headlines touted the drawdown of US Armed Forces in Afghanistan a full year ahead of schedule, even as a lack of US presence in Iraq has lead to a surge in violence there. Despite warnings from the leaders on the ground and open speculation that an early exit would embolden our enemies in the region, the exodus is on. One can almost hear Ross Perot saying "a huge sucking sound" as the troops are ushered home prematurely.

We, as a nation, had an opportunity to have a large, mechanized, well equipped fighting force flanking Iran on its eastern and western borders, essentially having them surrounded before a single shot (in a hot war) could have been fired. Instead, the obama admin is recklessly drawing down our forces as the intensity and volatility of the rhetoric between the US and Iran builds. It's only a matter of time before military intervention occurs. We all know it's coming. The question is when and how?

Odds are, after seeing how the b. hussein obama administration handles crises, the US will take no direct action, leaving Israel to strike, preemptively, on her own. The question then will be, "Will obama stand with our only middle eastern ally?" The likely answer…."Why would he start now?" 

Sense No Evil
With the exception of Ron Paul's isolationist strategy for our foreign policy, all of the Republican field have vowed to stand with Israel and defend her right to exist. As Iran continues to threaten to close the Straits of Hormuz, boasts of their improving missile launch capabilities, even touting the development of a missile that could reach the US, and overtly suggest strikes will occur within the US, our fighting forces are leaving the middle east theater to come home only to swell the already bloated unemployment roster. Where is the common sense?

Once Israel does strike, we can only assume that unless there is a blatant, undeniable attack on the US, or her interests, obama will likely sit on his hands, as the troops file home. In the event Iran does directly attack the US, we'll again be moving our troops back at greater cost and greater risk, for as Iraq has proven, once we leave, violence increases.

Lovin' the Spin You're In
It is increasingly difficult to determine whether the hurried troop drawdown is an effort to win bragging rights on having kept a 2008 campaign pledge, a narcissistic lack of reality run amok, or a genuine desire to hurt this nation, but no matter the ill-gotten reason, the only real question is this…

Do we want war with Iran before or after they have nuclear capabilities?

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