Monday, January 9, 2012

Whose Street is this Anyway?

There's some good Newt and bad Newt
Congratulations to the liberal MSM for getting the Republicans to take off their gloves and start infighting, and thereby helping obama write his playbook for the 2012 campaign. To borrow a popular phrase, Mission Accomplished! Yes, the talking heads are taking full advantage of the battle for the Republican nod.

After caving to the pressure brought about by Political Action Committee (PAC) ads attacking him, Newt has come out swinging at Romney. In what Karl Rove refers to as "Bad Newt," the high road has been deserted for the road more traveled and the politics-as-usual mudslinging. So, now that Newt's all in with the "I won't go negative, but reserve the right to tell the truth" campaigning, he's being very frank about what he sees as Romney's Achilles heel, Mitt's time with Bain Capital.

The fact of the matter is that, as the Wall Street Journal reports, "The Journal's findings could provide fodder for both critics and supporters of Mr. Romney's presidential ambitions and of his role at Bain." So portraying Romney as the (con) Wall Street, or (pro) business-savvy candidate doesn't appear to be as damning, or as impressive as it sounds in the media.

Nevertheless, the opposing Republican camps are making hay while the sun shines. The loudest argument out of the Newt Gingrich camp is that Romney cannot beat obama, because of Romney's Wall Street and big business connections. Really, Newt? From where I sit, it makes it an even fight, though again, while the obama White House and the MSM exploit the Occupy Wall Street movement, few are calling out the hypocrisy of the matter.

Wall Street? What's Wall Street?
How the label of Wall Street Candidate can be attached to anyone other than obama is beyond incredulous. In fact, the roster of this dismal administration reads like invitation list of a Goldman-Sachs corporate retreat… Larry Summers, Timothy Geithner, Rahm Emanuel, Gary Gensler and Mark Patterson, to name a few, but of course we all know Rahm is now king of Chicago, which brings us to his replacement... Bill Daley who has strong Wall Street connections as well, including a stint with JP Morgan Chase. Meet the new chief, same as the old chief.

By the by, anyone recall Jon Corzine, former Democratic U.S. Senator from New Jersey and former Governor of the state? Corzine is a former head of Goldman-Sachs. Oh, did I mention Goldman was a top contributor to obama in '08? Apart from the obvious sliminess of the relationship between Goldman and obama, there is potentially bombshell news here as well. For a fleeting moment in recent weeks, the MSM made mention of a Wall Street company called MF Global, "losing" $1.5 Billion. The CEO of MF Global? You guessed it, former Senator, Governor and CEO, Jon Corzine. And now it is speculated that obama wants Corzine to replace Geithner as Treasury Secretary....yes, of the United States.

Lovin' the Spin You're In
Meanwhile, back in TV Land, I'm actually a little surprised that I didn't hear any of the MSM outlets using sound bytes from Rush Limbaugh, as Rush seems to ascribe to Newt's theory (and that of the MSM) on Mitt being a Wall Street guy. I would have thought Rush's word on the matter would carry significant weight, but Rush also stated that obama's camp wants Romney to be the nominee, because they feel they have a better shot against Mitt than Newt. Could the noticeable omission support that theory?


  1. Great post! Have to love the MSM for what they are;and not who they are. BUT, when this Country is in such a downward spin from this administration's lack of leadership, I have to ask; what kind of question did MSM's George Stephanopoulos ask Mitt? A question about State controlling Contraception?? Really George? Nothing about creating jobs? Restarting the Economy?..People wake up!! We need to take our Country Back!!!

  2. Carol = that definitely was one of the strangest questions I've ever heard at a debate - and I do think Mitt handled it quite well -

    American Patriot = I'm starting to get EXTREMELY nervous -

    We all respect Newt, he's the smartest guy in the room, yadda yadda, but his ego is showing, big time, and it could be to the party's peril - that's what I am afraid of...

    The infighting is now playing right into the administration's hands - Axelrod doesn't need any help crafting "positions" (read: lies) about ANY of these potential candidates...

    On the flip side, I'm equally as concerned about Rush's contention that the administration WANTS to run against Romney by positioning him as a Wall Street insider...that could be a frightening prospect as well...

    We CAN'T lose this election - but I don't know the solution...

    BTW - would LOVE to hear your comments re: NBC's coverage on the Detroit Auto Show...

  3. Regarding NBC's coverage of the Detroit Auto Show, the broadcast touted blazing new US sales of US-made cars, then flashed a picture of obama signing the bailout…just to make sure all of their sheep connected the dots…obama saved the US auto industry.

    Now, frankly, I would disagree. I would say that what obama saved was the United Autoworkers Union (UAW). If allowed to implode, due to lesser quality, higher costs and weaker management than their competition, the auto makers (and we're talking about GM and Chrysler—Ford was doing just fine) would have not simply gone away.

    This is (or at least was) America. You cannot tell me that anyone capable of designing and producing an automobile worked for GM or Chrysler, and that the end of the companies would have been they end of US-built cars, ideas, designs, production know-how and drive. Not a prayer…what likely would have happened…the union would have lost a significant portion of its grip and US entrepreneurialism would have stepped in and truly changed the game.

    This is a lesson of the sort illustrated in Outwitting the Devil: The Secret to Freedom and Success by Napoleon Hill. In every adversity there is opportunity. It is also a lesson in how government can easily take over private business.

  4. Update: Obama's Wall Street Chief of Staff, Bill Daley to resign. Did obama see the writing on the wall? Is this the beginning of an attempt to distance himself from Wall Street?

  5. Could it be this is just another "rat" jumping off a sinking ship? However he (Daley) is not going too far away from the ship... Just back to the swamp. Or Maybe Michelle did not get along with Daley, after all I understand Robert Gibbs and Michelle did not get along very well...Should I buy the Book?

  6. Hi Carol.
    Well, one thing is certain. The fewer Chicago politicians in DC, the better.

    Not having read the book, The obamas, myself, I don't know whether or not it's a worthwhile read. Based on watching the interview with the author on the TODAY Show the other morning, I got the impression that it's 90% fluff and 10% "tisk, tisk." If that 10% were a true "tell all," I might feel differently. But considering that the obamas have been so blatant with the frivolous use of taxpayer dollars (date night in NYC, Michelle's extravagant vacations, BHO's Darth Vader bus tour, Using Air Force One for short hops, etc.), I can't imagine that an extravagant Halloween party, or Michelle's irritation at her husband's minions are going to be juicy enough to overcome the marshmallow center.

    Certainly, if there’s been no backlash for their behavior thus far, nothing in this book is going to stir any passions. I think it’s more a book for those who are still deluded into thinking the obama’s are Camelot 2.0.
